University Entrance & Careers
Independent day & boarding school for boys and girls aged 2 to 18

University Entrance & Careers


Our careers programme helps pupils make informed decisions about their future and have the self-confidence and skills to follow them through. In our changing global economy, it is essential to have the character and skills, alongside a good academic education, to be competitive as applicants and feel they have the ability to progress positively on their chosen life path. We aim to equip pupils with those skills. Each pupil is an individual and will have differing aspirations.

Before Year 9: sign posting to possible ways of progressing after school and information about jobs. Our Alumni and Sixth Formers are also involved in delivering content at this stage. By Year 9 we are looking ahead with pupils, via PD  lessons, to their GCSE courses.

Years 10 and 11: a focus on careers through the Personal Development programme in Year 10 and individual meetings in the Autumn term of Year 11. By Year 11 careers advice is through whole group, tutor group and individual meetings. Tutors and Heads of Department are also involved and external speakers and advisory agencies are invited into school. Advice is available to pupils of all ages on any aspect of progression to GCSE, Post 16 courses, university both in the UK and globally, and employment.

Sixth Form: students develop their aspirations at differing paces so we refine the process of the more advanced and nudge those who may need help understanding that a decision will need to be made. In the Spring Term of the Lower Sixth PD sessions are career, progression and life-skill related. Visits to career fairs and university or work related events are also prevalent and the mechanics of UCAS applications is dealt with by the Sixth Form tutor team but we advise where necessary.

Lifelong Learning

The world demands wider evidence of skills beyond academic grades. Our curriculum and activities inform and develop these skills. The lifelong learner is one who can adapt to change which is necessary in work and beyond. We build these skills from Nursery right through to the Upper Sixth. 

Destinations of leavers

At Ryde we pride ourselves on bringing out the best in our pupils and helping them to optimise talents and interests. We send pupils to Oxbridge, other Russell Group Universities, UK and International universities and colleges, Art, Music and Drama Schools and over 90% of all pupils will get their first or second choice of destination. Pupils also choose to take a GAP year or go straight into employment, often following an apprenticeship or training course. 

PDF: Destinations of Leavers' 2022 and 2023