22nd January 2024
Fundraising For Ghana
Fundraising took place over the Autumn Term to supply books and equipment to Nako School, our partner school in Ghana.The students raised enough money to provide desks, books and a piece of stationery for every pupil at the school. Obviously the staff and students were delighted with this equipment but we think it's fair to say that they were even more delighted with the Christmas Lunch. This was the first Nako School Christmas Lunch and we hope we can continue with this to make it a tradition. Many children in Northern Ghana only go to school on the days they know there will be food as this may be their only meal that day. We continue to fundraise to improve their education and their day-to-day lives and 12 students in Year 11 and Lower Sixth are currently underway with their own fundraising to visit Nako School in October this year. |